Vijaygarh jyotish ray college
Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE
Dr Rajyashri Neogy(Principal) or Prof Mainak Saibya (Convenor, Anti Ragging Committee)
Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE
10 Days Online Add-on Certificate Course on “Entrepreneurship Development”
Date: 29st December, 2021 to 7th January, 2022
No. of Registrants: 160
Chief Guest: Dr. Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat, Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Chairperson, Under-Graduate Board of Studies in Commerce, University of Calcutta
Resource Persons:
· Prof. (Dr.) Sharmistha Banerjee, Professor, Dept. of Business Management, University of Calcutta
· Prof. (Dr.) Swati Basu Ghose, Asst. Professor & HOD, Dept. of Marketing & IB, Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore
· Prof. (Dr.) Achiransu Acharyya, Asst Prof., Dept. of Economics & Politics, VisvaBharati
· Prof. (Dr.) Abhik Kumar Mukherjee, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Business Administration, The University of Burdwan
· Prof. (Dr.) Suvendu Saha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
About the Programme:
A 10 Days Online Certificate Course on “Entrepreneurship Development” has been organized by the Department of Commerce & Department of Economics in collaboration with IQAC, Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College from 29th December, 2021 to 7th January, 2022. Five Resource Persons from different institutions along with the Internal instructors guided the participants over 7 Modules in this Certificate Course. The target audience of this programme was students of different departments of Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College. A total of 160 participants registered for this course. The programme was held in Google Meet platform. The Orientation programme was held on 29th December, 2021 where the Chief Guest was Dr. Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat, Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Chairperson, Under-Graduate Board of Studies in Commerce, University of Calcutta. The programme was held in Google Meet platform. Dr. Dandapat discussed about the utility of such certificate course and encouraged the participants to undertake various entrepreneurship activities. The Resource persons are Prof. (Dr.) Sharmistha Banerjee, Prof. (Dr.) Swati Basu Ghosh, Prof. (Dr.) Suvendu Saha, Prof. (Dr.) Achiransu Acharyya, and Prof. (Dr.) Abhik Kumar Mukherjee. They are taking classes on different topics spread over seven modules as per the schedules fixed by the Coordinators of this Programme. After the completion of the course, the participants were be provided with e-certificates of participation.
Google Drive Link of Folder containing the following: -
• Flyer of the Certificate Course
• Screenshots of Resource Persons taking classes
Link to the list of participants who registered is given below –
Link of the Video Recording of the Orientation Programme –
Link of the Video Recording of the Closing Ceremony –