Vijaygarh jyotish ray college
Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE
Dr Rajyashri Neogy(Principal) or Prof Mainak Saibya (Convenor, Anti Ragging Committee)
Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE
Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College which was originally established by the people settled in Bijoygarh were ousted from east Pakistan, now Bangladesh, for bringing their children into the light of education and culture. Hence, they pooled money from these migrated people living within the circuit of uncertainty for food, health, shelter and above all education. Ultimately, they established this Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College in 1950 and dedicated it for the wards of the parents of the locality.
This College had two shifts, DAY and EVENING under unique body of administration and helm of the same i.e., Principal. For the purpose of catering the education to the students, who are mostly engaged in somewhere in day time and also due to the lack of infrastructural facilities in the Day shift for conducting multiple courses of subjects, the Evening shift came into force in the year 1960 with two undergraduate sections - B.COM. (both Honours and General) Course and B.A. General Course in 1965.
For the purpose of ensuring better indoor management efficiently, the post of Professor-in-Charge (the senior most teacher in the evening section) had been sanctioned by the education department and University of Calcutta on the basis of the requisition of the Governing Body of the College. The Prof-in-Charge of the Evening shift was authorized to do all the administrative and academic duties both inside and outside of the College in connection with the Evening shift; of course, under the overall supervision of the then Principal.
However, at the outset, on behalf of the Evening shift I like to remember of those galaxies of intellectuals with personalities in the sphere of Teaching and Non-teaching staff whose tireless efforts, dedication and emotions have made it possible into overall sustainability by overcoming the acute financial and infrastructural constraints. Some of them are Prof. SUNIL MUKHERJEE—my predecessor and founder teacher and the first Professor-in-Charge in Evening shift of the College. Similarly, Prof. Benoy Nandi, Late Mahadev Chanda, Late Mrinal Biswas and so on, and as a hub of the administration the then Office Assistants like Late Milan Sarkar, Adhir Bose and others took an active role to make this shift into present shape.
However, on behalf of the all stakeholders of Evening shift I remember their contributions with great honour and gratitude.
But now the Department of Commerce has been merged with the Day shift along with all other 14 departments. After considering the socio-economic changes, the Governing Body of the College has taken this decision in 2017 for ensuring the safety of the students, especially girl students coming from different parts of the rural area. However, the department has been maintaining the same standard of teaching–learning process with the skill and dedication by the present teachers of the department.
However, at the outset, on behalf of the Department of Commerce, I would like to remember of those galaxies of academic intellectuals and personalities in the sphere of Teaching and Supporting Staff whose tireless efforts, dedication and emotions have made it possible into overall sustainability by overcoming the acute financial and infrastructural constraints. Some of them are PROF. SUNIL MUKHERJEE—my predecessor and founder teacher and first Professor-in-Charge in evening shift of the College. Similarly, Prof. Benoy Nandi, Late Mahadev Chanda, Late Mrinal Biswas and so on, and as a hub of the administration the then Office Assistants like Late Milan Sarkar, Adhir Bose and others took an active role to make this shift into the present shape.
On behalf of the all stakeholders of department I remember their contributions with great honour and gratitude.
The functionaries relating to the administration and academic may be projected in the following ways: -
· Students Module: Admission, Class Routine, Parent-Teacher Meeting, Examination etc. are arranged time to time.
· Administrative Module: On the basis of the decision adopted by the Governing Body of the College and Directives and Instructions from University, and Department of Higher Education the Teaching-Learning Process is conducted under the guidance of Principal of the college.
· Academic Module: Teachers of the department are very much sincere to the execution of the policies and programme relating to students and class, Open House Discussion, Examination and Result, Students’ Seminar, Off-the-class interaction and above all counselling the backlogged students. As a result, the satisfactory score card is made possible.
At the end I must have to offer respect and gratitude to all my office colleagues who have been rendering their best practices, cooperation and sincerity to make the teaching –learning system a success.
Last, but not least, the attitude and cooperation of CHHATRA SAMSAD, a statutory body of the College have been made themselves desirable and indispensable for the overall success of any Institution like this esteemed College.
Prof. Prabir Bhattacharya
Prof-in-Charge and HOD,
Department of Commerce,
Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College