Vijaygarh jyotish ray college
Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE
Dr Rajyashri Neogy(Principal) or Prof Mainak Saibya (Convenor, Anti Ragging Committee)
Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE
10. Edwin Michael, Swarnali Sharma, Morgan E. Smith, Panayiota Touloupou, Federica Giardina, Joaquin M. Prada, Wilma A. Stolk, Deirdre Hollingsworth, Sake J. de Vlas, Quantifying the value of surveillance data for improving model predictions of lymphatic filariasis elimination, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2018), 12(10), e0006674.
11. Swarnali Sharma, A. Mondal, A.K.Pal, G.P.Samanta, Stability analysis and optimal controlofavianinfluenzavirusAwithtimedelays,InternationalJournalofDynamicsand Control, 6(3) (2018),1351-1366.
12. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Dynamical behavior of age-selective harvesting of a prey-predator system, International Journal of Dynamics and Control,(2017) DOI 10.1007/s40435-017-0337-3.
13. RanaD.Parshad,RanjitKumarUpadhyay,SwatiMishra,SatishKumarTiwari,Swarnali Sharma, On the explosive instability in a three-species food chain model with modified Holling Type IV functional response, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2016) DOI:10.1002/mma.4419.
14. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of a hand-foot-mouth disease model, International Journal of Biomathematics, (2016) DOI:10.1142/s1793524517500164.
15. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, A Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with disease in prey incorporating a prey refuge, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 70 (2015)69-84.
16. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of the Dynamics of a Tumor–Immune System with Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy and Quadratic Optimal Control, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, DOI10.1007/s12591-015-0250-1.
17. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of a Drinking epidemic model, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, DOI10.1007/s40435-015-0151-8.
18. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Stability analysis and optimal control of an epidemic model with vaccination, International Journal of Biomathematics, 8(3) (2015)1-28.
19. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of a predator-prey population model, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 36(4) (2015)18-44.
20. G.P.Samanta, R.G.Aiza, Swarnali Sharma, Analysis of a mathematical model of periodically pulsed chemotherapy treatment, International Journal of Dynamics and Control,(2015) DOI10.1007/s40435-015-0204-z.
21. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Optimal harvesting of a two species competition model with imprecise biological parameters, Nonlinear Dynamics, 77 (2014)11011119.
22. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of a delayed Chlamydia epidemic model with pulse vaccination, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 230 (1) (2014)555569.
23. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of a Chlamydia epidemic model, Journal of Biological Systems, 22(4) (2014)1-32.
24. SwarnaliSharma,G.P.Samanta,Aratio-dependentpredator-preymodelwithAlleeeffect and disease in prey, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (2014) DOI 10.1007/s12190-014-0779-0.
25. SwarnaliSharma,G.P.Samanta,Analysisofatwopreyonepredatorsystemwithdisease in the first prey population, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, (2014) DOI 10.1007/s40435-014-0107-4.
26. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Dynamical behavior of an HIV/AIDS epidemicmodel, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 22(4) (2014) 369-395.
27. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Dynamical behavior of a two prey and onepredator system, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 22(2) (2014) 125-145. 2013
28. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Dynamical behavior of a tumor-immune system with chemotherapy and optimal control, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, (2013) DOI 10.1155/2013/608598.
29. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Mathematical analysis of a single-species population modelinapollutedenvironmentwithdiscretetimedelays,JournalofMathematics,(2013) DOI10.1155/2013/574213.
30. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Dynamical behavior of a drinking epidemic model, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 31(5-6) (2013)747-767.
31. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Analysis of a fractional-order competition model with common inhibitory effect, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 31(2013)68-86.
32. SwarnaliSharma,G.P.Samanta,Analysisofanepidemicmodelwithnon-linearincidence and vaccination, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 28(2013) 104-129.
33. Swarnali Sharma, G.P.Samanta, Drinking as an epidemic: a mathematical model with dynamic behavior, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 31(2013)1-25.
1. Swarnali Sharma and Malay Banerjee, Challenges and Innovations in Mathematical Modelling of COVID-19, In book: COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2, CRC Press, 2022.
2. T. Alex Perkins, Guido España, Sean M. Moore, Rachel J. Oidtman, Swarnali Sharma, Brajendra Singh, Amir S. Siraj, K. James Soda, Morgan Smith, Magdalene K. Walters, Edwin Michael, Seven Challenges for Spatial Analyses of Vector-Borne Diseases, In book: Population Biology of Vector-Borne Diseases, Oxford University Press, 2021.
3. G.P.Samanta, Swarnali Sharma, Dynamic Behaviour for Heroin Epidemic Models, In Book: Heroin:Pharmacology, Effects and Abuse Prevention (Nova Science Publishers), New York, 2013.
4. G.P.Samanta, Swarnali Sharma, Dynamical behavior of a single species population model in apollutedenvironment,In Book: MathematicsandComputing:CurrentResearchandDevelopments,Narosa Publishing House, presented in National Seminar on Current Research and Developments in Mathematics and Computing, Aliah University,2012.