Vijaygarh jyotish ray college

Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE

(ISO 9001:2015 Certified )

Departmental activities

Industrial visit to East India Pharmaceutical Works Limited (April, 2019)
Seminar on “Microbes in our Life” (May, 2019)
International Webinar (Lecture Series) on research methodology of COVID-19 biology (10/06/2020-12/06/2020)
International Webinar (Lecture Series) on advanced research methodology of COVID-19 biology (23/06/2020-30/06/2020)
Webinar on the Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity in Collaboration with Dept. of Botany, Physiology and Zoology (25/06/2020-11/07/2020)
Two-day International Webinar: From microbes to plants: it's biology all the way: refreshment amidst the pandemic gloom (26/06/2020-28/06/2020) in Collaboration with Dept. of Botany, VJRC
International Webinar on Career Prospects for Students of Biological Science and Chemistry in Industries (12/07/2020)
International webinar Lecture Series on "In Search Of Origin, Prevention and Possible Cure for COVID19" (18/07/2020-19/07/2020)
Community Development Programme on Dengue Awareness & Poster Competition (10/09/2020)
Master Classes on Genetics & Biochemistry in collaboration with Dept. of botany, VJRC (12/09/2020-19/09/2020)
International Webinar on Circadian Rhythms (26/09/2020)
International Webinar on research methodology of polar environmental biology (13/10/2020)
International Webinar (Lecture Series) on advanced research methodology in biology (05/09/2021-24/11/2021)
Participation of Faculty Members as Teacher/Guide in Manav, the Human Atlas Project (September-October, 2021)
Industrial visit to Diamond Beverages Pvt. Ltd (May, 2022)
One Day International Seminar on Recent Trends in Microbiology In Association with Microbiologists Society, India (MSI) on 18/05/2022
Teachers' Day Celebration on 05/09/2022
Induction Program for the UG Semester 1 students_2022-23 Batch (19/09/2022)
Educational Excursion_2022 (November, 2022)
Certificate giving ceremony of MSc. (Microbiology)-2017, 2018 & 2019 Batches (19/04/2023)
Induction talk for the students of Microbiology, Organized by Dept. of Microbiology and IQAC, VJRC on 19th December, 2023
Educational Excursion_2023 (December, 2023)
Parents Teacher meeting for the UG 1st Semester students on 8th January, 2024
ONE DAY VISIT TO E-YUVA Centre Adamas University (Supported by BIRAC) on 29/02/2024

Two-day International Webinar: From microbes to plants: it's biology all the way: refreshment amidst the pandemic gloom (26/06/2020-28/06/2020) in Collaboration with Dept. of Botany, VJRC

Lecture 1 (26/06/2020): Technology Overview: J G and 2G Ethanol as Biofuel in India (Speaker: Dr. Sibabrata Mukherjee, Technical Service Representative, India. Leaf by Lesaffre)

Lecture 2 (26/06/2020): Genomic Medicine for Precision Diagnostics and Therapeutics (Speaker: Dr. Samya Chakravorty, Associate Scientist and Principal Investigator, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA)

Lecture 3 (28/06/2020): Circadian clock regulation of EMT and MET in glioma and breast cancer cells (Speaker: Dr. Arpan De, The UT MD Anderson Cancer Center. Department of Neurosurgery)

Lecture 4 (28/06/2020): Sustainable management and applications of algae at industrial scale (Speaker: Dr. Adity Biswas, Associate Research Scientist - Phycology. The Tru Shrimp Company, Minnesota, USA)