Vijaygarh jyotish ray college

Affiliated Under University of Calcutta. Registered under 2f & 12B of UGC Act Under Graduate with Post Graduate Courses, Re-Accredited by NAAC (3rd Cycle) (Grade - A); Funded by RUSA; DBT-BOOST, Ranked in NIRF, AISHE

(ISO 9001:2015 Certified )

Students Corner

India March for Science (August, 2017)
Inter College Cultural Competition (April, 2019)
5th International Karate Championship (July, 2019)
5th International Karate Championship (July, 2019)
Science model competition at District Level Student-Youth Science Fair 2019 (September, 2019)
Mitsuya-Kai Republic Cup Karate Championship 2020 (January, 2020)
One-day DBT-CTEP Sponsored Science Popularization Program (February, 2020)
Online Poster Competition on World Population Day (July, 2020)
National Level Online Poster Competition (August, 2020)
Super Singer, 2020
Online Intra Departmental Poster Competition and Community Development Program on Dengue Awareness in collaboration with KMC (September, 2020)
Fit India Freedom Run 2.0 (August-October, 2021)
Manav Scientific Reading and Comprehension Self-Assessment Module (September-October, 2021)
Poster Competition Based on The Theme of World Aids Day 2021 (December, 2021)
Science Model & Poster Competition on National Science Day (February, 2022)
Film Review Competition (May, 2022)
Poster Competition in The International Seminar on ”Recent Trends in Microbiology” (May, 2022)
Inter college Quiz competition (June, 2022)
Inter College Singing Competition in VJRC Freedom Fiesta 2022 (August, 2022)
Certificates for Induction talk for the students of Microbiology, Organized by Dept. of Microbiology and IQAC, VJRC on 19th December, 2023
Certificate for Educational Excursion_2023 (December, 2023)
Certificate for attending Workshop & Exposure Visit on Bio-Innovation at E-YUVA Centre, Adamas University (Supported by BIRAC) on February 2024
Inauguration of Wall magazine at Department of Microbiology for celebration of National Immunization Day 2024 on 16.03.2024

Certificate for attending Workshop & Exposure Visit on Bio-Innovation at E-YUVA Centre, Adamas University (Supported by BIRAC) on February 2024

Workshop & Exposure Visit on Bio-Innovation for UG and PG Students jointly organized by E-YUVA Centre, Adamas University (Supported by BIRAC) and Department of Microbiology and IQAC, Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College at E-YUVA Centre, Adamas University; Barasat-Barrackpore Road, West Bengal- 700126